Newsletter from Theresa Cangemi @ Retirement Health Plans Made Simple (sm)

The Medicare Insurance Lady

Celebrating since 2008 as a Medicare Insurance Specialist

(This Is NOT A Government Newsletter)


📱 Cell: 315.727.4933


MEDICARE SECTION–  Difference Between COLONOSCOPY: Screening vs. Diagnostic – and what you pay

HEALTH SECTION - TIPS: How To Clean Anything - Naturally


If you are moving and relocating to Florida, I can help you find a new Medicare insurance plan. Please give me a call. Referrals to friends and family are always welcomed and appreciated! 

Keep reading!

Theresa Cangemi CSA, CLTC

"The Medicare Insurance Lady" 


Difference Between COLONOSCOPY: Screening vs. Diagnostic – and what you pay

A colonoscopy is considered a preventive screening if the patient doesn't have any gastrointestinal symptoms and no polyps or masses are found during the colonoscopy.

What is the difference between a screening colonoscopy and a diagnostic colonoscopy?

  • A “screening” colonoscopy is a colonoscopy that is done for the prevention of colorectal cancer and is considered a preventive health service. A screening colonoscopy will have no out-of-pocket costs for patients (such as co-pays or deductibles). 
  • A “diagnostic” colonoscopy is a colonoscopy that is done to investigate abnormal symptoms, tests, prior conditions or family history. A diagnostic colonoscopy may include out-of-pocket costs for patients (such as co-pays or deductibles), depending on your insurance plan.

Click Here for the full article and more information:


TIPS: How To Clean Anything Naturally


TO CLEAN: Soap Scum

USE: Grapefruit (and salt)

Pour a layer of salt over half a grapefruit. Then rub the grapefruit on the affected areas, and you’ll see the soap scum start to lift.


TO CLEAN: Pasta Sauce Stains

USE: Lemon

Soak a cloth in cold water and blot. Then grab a slice of lemon and rub it into the stain. Once the splatter seems mostly gone, pour water to cover the area and blot again with a clean cloth.


TO CLEAN: A toilet

USE:  Vinegar

Pour a cup or two of white vinegar in the bowl and let it sit overnight. In the morning use a toilet brush to scrub the bowl.


TO CLEAN: Red Wine Stains

USE: White Wine

As soon as possible, blot white wine onto the fabric to dilute the stain, then follow up with a clean, wet cloth to get out the rest. Be sure not to rub the stain in to the fabric.

New October 2022 CMS (government) REQUIRED disclaimer:

“Every plan may not be available in your area. Any information we provide is limited to those plans we do offer in your area.” “Please contact or 1-800-MEDICARE to get information on all of your options.” 


Theresa’s disclaimer:  I DO OFFER Medicare Insurance plans from MANY different insurance companies; in NY and Florida.

The available insurance plans will depend on your state, zip code, and eligibility.

* This article is for information purposes only. I don’t recommend, support, or diagnose any featured writer or article. I am not a doctor. Your health is one of a kind. What works for one person may not for another, so the information in these articles should not take the place of an expert opinion. Before making significant lifestyle or diet changes, please consult your primary care physician or nutritionist. You and your doctor will know your own health best.

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